All posts by Lehla Eldridge

Our Unschoolers want projects! Ideas for Project Based Learning.

So last night as I tucked the kids in to bed one of my daughters said.   ‘Mummy, I want homework. Could you give me a project, make me do it and if I don’t do it be really mean to me?’ We both

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Can kids learn more when the parents are not getting in their way?

  When we recently went to the Unschooling/homeschooling event in Italy I was slightly frustrated as I knew that there was going to be a market and we did not have our car. It is a long story. We

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Our mechanic crashed our car prior to going to this unschooling/homeschooling event. Yes, you read that right. So the five of us were left with a very small 4 seater car which belonged to the garage.

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18 Steps to having a ‘Workaway’ person help your family.

  Workaway is a website that’s aim is to help people who are travelling to find a place to stay for free in exchange for helping their hosts. By creating a swap between the host and the traveller

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Unschooling and the art of letting go of fear.

It is so easy to be gripped by fear. Fear is like a witch casting spells over everything. I can excel in hooking on to her skirt of anxious thoughts, I can fly with her but, in the land of unschooling

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Unschooling, parenting and getting help.

I cannot do unschooling on my own. So I don’t. I open up the doors, and let other people in. I have an in-built hero habit, where I try to do it all which ultimately serves no one, least of all the

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Learning without walls

Our kids classroom has no walls, as they have no classroom, they have no subjects that they have to study, they have no tests that they have to pass, they are doing it by themselves with me and other adults

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Do we need to teach our kids table manners?

We tend to talk about the table manners across the table. We sometimes bark. I say bark because we are not perfect and we have been saying the same thing about eating nicely for a while now. We talk

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Can children learn to write if you don’t make them?

  Our son is nine and he has decided he wants to be able to read and write. He is frustrated that he can’t do either very well yet. So we say ‘How do you want to do that?’ and for a long time

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Do Algebra and Unschooling go Together?

So I was curious to know out from my friends three things. Firstly, who understands algebra and secondly do they use it in their work and thirdly do they think it really needs to be taught in schools?

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