Anthony & Lehla
We'll let you know!!!
We use our story & experience to show how to create new stories of learning, happiness and success for adults, children and parents.
We show how changing the way we approach work, play and creativity will better equip us to be fully present today, fulfil tomorrow and thrive in the future.
We believe great ideas and insight are of little use unless they can be turned into action that works. So we aim to make sure people walk away with concrete ideas and tools to implement them.
Tools that they can use and experiment with right away, improving their family and professional lives.
Our talks focus on concrete practices that lead to clearer focus, improved confidence, and better collaboration.
Where possible we customise our keynote talks for the audience and we also can develop custom talks for specific occasions.

Penelope Trunk
Serial entrepreneur, Career coach, Blogger
Lehla is a brave experimenter in all things family and she inspires each of us to question why we do things the way we do them.

Gladeana McMahon
Author, Executive Coach
Our talks / workshops come in three formats
The 45 minute talk with a 45 Q & A - ( 45 min presentation / talk / performance / activity - 45 Q & A - Total Time 1.5 to 2 hrs)
A Half Day (usually morning ) workshop ( 3.5 hrs)
The Whole Day Workshop - A mix of Games, Coaching, Brainstorming, Learning & Illumination - Collaborative, Creative & Practical
Our Audiences (who should come?)
When it comes to education and learning we know this is a topic that concerns us all, as well it ought, as it defines the future. We are particularly keen to spend our time talking to Parents, Parents to be, Educators, Teachers and Lecturers.
Having spent most of our lives as project and business creators ( aka Entrepreneurs ) we share insight into how to foster entrepreneurial traits in young people and adults, both within and outside the work environment.
So we have a talk for Entrepreneurs and Business Managers and owners. Especially the ones really looking to develop new era organisations, triple bottom line businesses and non profit projects.

Deborah Hillairet
Wonderful, inspirational and just so damn good!!
Some workshops in UK, US, South Africa, Vietnam

Our Topics

Jump, Fall, Fly
Could Children be Happier?
After a 10 year journey that has taken them half way around the world and from being traditional schooling focused parents to radical alternative education advocates, authors Lehla and Anthony say a resounding Yes!
Based on their book, Jump, Fall, Fly, they show how giving up the very things we think are best for our children’s future and embracing ideas that seem to fly in the opposite direction, children and parents can become happier, more relaxed and better equipped to master the fast evolving (and fast approaching) future.
That future has immense challenges not least those of our changing ecological systems and climate. They show how the best way to tackle these challenges and opportunities for the future lie in developing a free mind, creativity and emotional intelligence.

Ellen Roland
Key Takeaways:
Amazon Reader

Unschooling the Parents!
No matter how much love you have and how much you want the best for children and young people the biggest barrier to bringing about change is all about... you!
This is good news because changing yourself is much easier than changing everyone else!
In this talk you will learn the practical ways to recognise where you can make quick and positive changes by changing yourself. This releases confidence, passion and hope in you and this has benefits for everyone.
We show how bringing about a positive environment for children and young people is not about what they do but about what you do. Whatever your educational and learning choices are (and we do not advocate you do what we have done and abandon the whole system) your children's outcomes will be improved if, first and foremost, stress is managed and joy is nurtured
Key Takeaways:
Event attendees say.....

What Unschooled Children can Teach us
We want entrepreneurs to be successful. Not least because entrepreneurs are providing some of the much needed ways we can solve some of our social and environmental challenges.
There are no absolutes but entrepreneurial success rests on a mix of influences, character traits, psychological background and luck.
Drawing on almost a decade long journey of raising their children to be free and unschooled, Lehla and Anthony Eldridge-Rogers will show how re examining the process of learning, schooling and the relationship with teachers and carers can help entrepreneurs unlock more of the vital skills they need to succeed and organisations to foster the entrepreneurial spirit to drive business success.
In this talk you'll discover how to develop the core drivers of the will to entrepreneurship. (Courage, discrimination, empathy, a 'no' voice, stubbornness, flexibility, purpose, and compromise).
How people who develop this 'will' are impervious to the shame of failure for they define it themselves despite convention and herd thinking. This allows fast recovery and stimulates creativity.
We will explore the ways that how we learn as children can both improve our chances of success in setting up our own enterprises but also be a barrier. We will also explore and learn what we can all do to foster the entrepreneurial spirit by harnessing meaning and purpose.
Key Takeaways:

Federay Holmes
Writer/Theatre Director
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The present belongs to all of us, here and now. The future belongs to all our children.